hi! i'm alfiq

  • i do not mind which pronouns you use for me

  • nonbinary lesbian

  • 18+


random stuff

  • my fav genre in games/movies/books etc is fantasy and horror

  • i do art sometimes

  • sometimes i even write

  • horses are very strange and i like them a lot ❤️

  • im interested in animal behaviour and welfare, especially that of animals in agriculture

  • feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat!

  • currently: spending too much time in elden ring

i don't know how to make this pretty or cool looking sorry

Bromann, 23 yr old fjord horse

Blanca, 20 yr old shetland pony

Pablo, 3 yr old german shepherd

Konjakk, less than 1 yr rhodesian ridgeback mix